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We love to help our patients achieve straighter, more beautiful smiles with Invisalign clear braces. They love it, too, because now they don’t have to worry about suffering through two years of metal brackets and wires. And most of their friends won’t even know our patient is being treated because Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible.
Instead of pulling teeth into place with brackets and wires, the clear aligners from Invisalign gently exert continuous pressure on the teeth to move them into their ideal positions. Each patient being treated with Invisalign will receive a series of clear aligners that will do this work. Each aligner has a number to show where it falls in the series.
In our office, we will show the patient how to place the first aligner over their teeth in the proper way. The patient will begin to wear this aligner for at least 22 hours a day. It should only be removed for meals or cleaning the teeth.
Gradually, this aligner presses the teeth in the direction they need to go for proper alignment. At the end of a week or two, the patient switches to the next aligner in the series. They wear that one for a week or two and then wear the next one in the series, and so on for the complete course of treatment.
The total time of treatment depends on the complexity of the case. For many patients, the duration is just twelve to eighteen months rather than the two years required for most conventional braces.
For so many of our patients, being treated with Invisalign braces is a great improvement over conventional braces. Finally, they don’t have to restrict what they eat. Sticky, chewy foods or foods that might stick in conventional braces can now be eaten, just by removing the aligners beforehand. Patients no longer have to try to dig food out of their metal braces after eating.
It’s easier to keep teeth clean with Invisalign. Just remove the aligners, brush and floss your teeth and replace the aligners. Some people with conventional braces suffer more tooth decay, gum disease or discoloration than people without braces because it is so hard to clean the teeth with all those brackets and wires. That’s not a problem with Invisalign.
Of course, smiling or having your photo taken with Invisalign is much more enjoyable. If you have a very special event such as a prom or wedding, you also have the option of leaving the aligner out for a few hours for photographs.
A public speaker or person giving a special presentation also has the option of removing the aligner for this special event. But the rule is to wear the aligners 22 hours a day. That will provide the fastest result of straighter teeth.
With metal braces, a patient who is athletic and plays team sports runs a risk of cutting the inside of their mouth on the brackets and wires. But there is no such problem with Invisalign aligners. And many of our patients find that they don’t need to make as many office visits with Invisalign as they would have with conventional braces.
When we recommend Invisalign for our patients, we remind them why they need to straighten their teeth. It’s not just for an improved appearance, although most patients would like their crooked or crowded teeth to be straighter; It's also because crooked teeth are so much harder to keep healthy.
Crooked teeth have corners and crannies that may be impossible to brush or floss thoroughly. This makes the patient more likely to suffer tooth decay in these areas. The gums around these teeth may also become infected or diseased more frequently. That puts your oral health and overall health at risk.
These are conditions that make tooth loss more likely. Straightening teeth reduces the risks of these problems.
Is an Invisalign retainer needed after treatment? Yes, just like with conventional braces, a retainer is needed after treatment is complete to ensure teeth do not shift back to their original positions.
Most situations of crooked teeth or poor alignment can be treated with Invisalign. Of course, this includes crowded teeth resulting from too little space for all the teeth. Overbite, underbite, open bite and crossbite also respond to this treatment. Spaces between the teeth can be closed up.
Invisalign can even be used when a child has not yet lost all his baby teeth. Invisalign technicians can make a plan for this mix of baby and permanent teeth.
There are a few people who are not excellent candidates for Invisalign treatment. This includes a person who would skip wearing their aligners too frequently or for too many hours.
Certain dental conditions will not respond as well to Invisalign as to conventional treatment. But these cases are fairly rare. The vast majority of our patients who need orthodontic correction can benefit from Invisalign. When you are comparing Invisalign vs. braces, we will help you make the right choice so you can achieve an excellent result as quickly as possible.
Whether for cosmetic dentistry or orthodontics with Invisalign, our office has the dentists who can plan your treatment for a straighter, more beautiful smile. When you start your care with us, we will explain the Invisalign cost and the difference between Invisalign vs. Smile Direct or other systems.
When you are considering treatment, you may wonder, “How much does Invisalign cost?” Invisalign costs about the same as most treatment programs utilizing conventional braces. Of course, that depends on the complexity of the case to be treated.
If you are in the area of Mount Vernon, Yonkers, New Rochelle, Tuckahoe, Bronxville or the Bronx, please contact us if your teeth could benefit from orthodontic care. We have two specialists who can begin your treatment right away. Call us at (914) 668-1722 to schedule your first appointment to start your care with Invisalign clear aligners.
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